Help your community recover from disasters.

A free, easy-to-use website for organizing disaster relief.

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We are a 501(c)(3) organization that provides software, training, and support to communities before and after disaster.

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Resource Map
Organizations post their services and needed resources
Residents find where to donate, volunteer, or receive help
Recovery Communication
Residents request help or offer to donate and volunteer
Organizations 旋风加速器app下载苹果版 residents to meet needs or collect offers

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A website for each community to manage donations, organize volunteers, and meet the needs of residents.
  • 旋风加速器官网链接 Volunteer Management
  • Donation Databasing Donation Databasing
  • Information Hub Information Hub
  • Case Management Case Management

Moore, OK Tornado Recovery Stats

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When the City of Moore, OK was hit by an EF5 tornado, Recovers software was used as the hub for volunteers, donation items, and case management. Our platform empowered organizations, local government and residents to work together and meet the needs of the community.
"Thank you to [Recovers] for being here at the beginning and staying by our side during each phase of recovery."
- Jayme Shelton, City of Moore Public Information Officer

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  • Ted_logo_50
  • Cnn_logo_50
  • Pbs_logo_50
  • Forbes_logo_50
  • Fast_company_logo_50
  • Bloomberg_businessweek_logo_50

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  • Knight Foundation
  • MassChallenge
  • Code for America
  • MIT Public Service Center
  • Esri

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  • Alvin
  • Morgan
  • 旋风加速器官网链接
Our team has a diverse background with extensive disaster experience and technical ability. We are dedicated to creating more resilient communities by making disaster preparedness and recovery smarter.
Think of us as the 1972 Miami Dolphins of disaster recovery.
Learn More About Us
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